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Technical Insulation Europe

Technical Insulation Europe | Technical Insulation Europe

Who is Technical Insulation Europe?

We are keenly aware of our responsibility to operate in a sustainable way and take steps to limit any negative effects on the environment. The direct or indirect offer, payment, soliciting or acceptance of bribes in any form is unacceptable. Technical Insulation Europe believes that fair competition is the only sustainable way to maximize value for our business partners and ourselves. We also conform to the UN Convention on Human Rights as well as the core conventions of the International Labour Organization. We believe that through continuous training, feedback and improvement across our organization, we can achieve:. Responsible waste management is a key priority for us at Technical Insulation Europe. Technical Insulation Europe sources, tests, and markets new insulation products for existing markets. Aerolam is the world’s leading chemically cross-linked, closed-cell polyolefin thermal insulation for the building industry and OEM’s.

This company is:


Bratislava, Slovakia

11-50 Employees

Founding year: 2020

Products & services of Technical Insulation Europe

Product Our Insulation Materials | Technical Insulation Europe image


Our Insulation Materials | Technical Insulation Europe

Our Insulation Materials | Aerolam XLPE | Aerolam XLPE AeroClad

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Commerce and Shopping

Contact of Technical Insulation Europe

City: Bratislava

State: Region of Bratislava

Country: Slovakia

Frequently asked questions (FAQ) about Technical Insulation Europe

The company Technical Insulation Europe is located in Bratislava, Region of Bratislava, Slovakia. It's worth noting that the company may has more corporate locations

As of the latest available information Technical Insulation Europe has around 11-50 employees worldwide.

Technical Insulation Europe was founded in 2020

The company Technical Insulation Europe has it's main focus in the industries of Commerce and Shopping

Based on the founding year and the amount of employees the company Technical Insulation Europe seems to be a Startup at the current state. Note that over time that status can change